Our story

In 2005, Lifeskills Learning commenced its operations in Melbourne, Victoria. The company was born out of a passion to ensure people with a disability did not miss out on the opportunity to develop essential skills needed for an empowered and great life. For most people with a disability, exposure to life skills and appropriate role modelling on a daily basis is limited and as a result they are missing out on incidental learning experiences. Lifeskills Learning aims to close this gap by providing tailored life skills training ensuring all people with a disability live life to its greatest potential!

About Maree

HI, I’m Maree, the founder of Lifeskills Learning, formerly known as Active Independence.

My personal mission is to help anyone with a disability live independent and rewarding lives. 

Having grown up in regional Australia with a sibling born with an intellectual disability, I know first-hand the challenges for family members and support workers trying to provide the best possible life experience.

This is why I'm committed to ensuring every person receives the right to independence and personal growth, to economic participation, and to social engagement, regardless of ability or circumstance.

I've used my 3 decades of work history in the disability sector, along with my experience as a teacher, a workplace trainer and assessor, adult language, literacy and numeracy educator, and more recently, as a fitness and personal training instructor, to develop resources to help nurture the life-skills that many of us take for granted.

So if you're looking for educational solutions designed to improve independence, self-determination, employability and quality of life for people with a disability, contact me today.